with all this lovely "almost summer" weather, we have been taking our grub outside to eat. how come eating outside makes dinner a little more special? there is nothing better than a night of twinkly lights (or as we call them- "happy lights" i mean come on, how can they not make you happy?), vino, delicious food, charades, good tunes, and of course my little flock of children (plus a few house guests). i have been itching to throw an outside dinner party. Earth Day party anyone?
everytime i see one i get this excited feeling inside. kind of like when i was a kid and saw that really rad new banana seat bike. but this excited feeling would only last for about 30 seconds before i realized that i didn't have enough money in my piggy bank.
usually when i go to the movies i go strictly for the popcorn and icee. i buy my ticket and get my extremely cheesy, seasoned up popcorn and mixed icee. i sit down to watch the movie and after i get through my snacks, i always seem to nod off. i dont mean to. it just happens. when the movie is done i get up and marvel at how great it was. my kids look at me like i'm crazy and say, "mom. you fell asleep right after previews, you don't even know what the movie was about!" even if i do fall asleep during every movie, it is well worth the money just for the movie popcorn and the peaceful snooze i get away from the little guy. HOWEVER, i recently saw Crazy Heart, and i didn't fall asleep during it. (this is a miracle in itself) it was a great movie with an even better soundtrack.
i will be the first to admit. i have an addiction.. to coffee. somewhere between waking up five kids for the day (3 whom are teenagers, so you could imagine my struggle there) and the terrible twos temper tantrums, i NEED my caffeine. occasionally i make my own at home but more often than not i end up at an awesome coffee shop like Lola Coffee. they have a great atmosphere.. comfy seating..large windows..cool music.. and delicious coffee and pastries.
their latte art is incredible.. you almost don't want to drink it, but that never seems to stop me. (p.s. the homemade whipped cream here is amazing, so be sure to ask for an extra dallop on your drink)
stop by any of their 2 locations: central and highland OR roosevelt and 3rd ave.
i am a blessed mother of five completely loveable and at times challenging children. this is where i post, well lack of better words... my chicken scratch.